A Guide to Creating a Home Gym: Tailoring Your Fitness Heaven

A Guide to Creating a Home Gym: Tailoring Your Fitness Haven

The onset of COVID-19 took the growing interest in home workouts to the next level. Home fitness sales increased by an astounding 170% during 2020 alone. The key to having an effective workout session at home is having the right space and equipment. Today, more people are looking for effective ways to make a gym at home. 

From saving time to saving money, working out at home can offer some truly amazing benefits. In this article, we will explore how you can create your very own gym to support your fitness goals. 

You don’t need to go to the gym–home can be your gym now!

Defining Your Needs Before Setting Up Your Home Gym

Before you can create the perfect workout space at home, you will want to take time to consider your needs. Reflect on what you would like to do for exercise and what that will look like. Consider aerobic exercises, resistance training, stretching routines, and other popular home workout methods.  

As you begin to consider what you want to do for your workouts, take time to write down what kinds of equipment you will need. A good majority of home workouts can be done with minimal equipment, but there may be some exercises that require a little more.

Remember, you can always invest in more equipment for your home gym later. Focus on what you will use during the initial stages of your training.


Home Workouts Under $100

A gym membership can cost $40 or more a month, and many popular exercises can be done without an actual membership. You can enjoy the benefits of the gym at home. If you are looking to cut down on expenses while still finding a way to get plenty of exercise and improve your health, don’t worry—you can absolutely work out at home on a budget! 

To keep spending low, it is important to prioritize workouts that do not require a lot of gear. Workout machines can be beneficial for training, but humans have trained for thousands of years without dedicated machines, and you can too. 

For low-cost exercises that have a high impact, you will want to focus on bodyweight exercises and resistance training. You can use resistance bands to create additional tension and increase the difficulty of your workouts–and a good workout mat will make it easy for you to stretch, move, flow, and really stick your squats. 

A Guide to Creating a Home Gym - Resistance Band

Don’t hesitate to get creative here—you can use household items to simulate weights if you need to!  

Shopping Guide:

● Resistance Bands
● Yoga Mat

    Home Workouts Under $500

    Whether you have a more open budget to start with or you are looking to take your home gym to the next level, there are many great ways to enhance your home gym for less than $500. You might not realize it, but this budget can empower you to start adding weights and machines to your home gym. 

    With this price range, you can focus on a combination of cardio and light resistance training. By investing in a budget-friendly home rowing machine or home cycling machine, you can add more engagement and do more with your workout. More than 11 million people have used rowing machines in their workouts, and you can too. 

    To make the most of your training session, use the MERACH app for managing workout data and tracking progress!  

    A Guide to Creating a Home Gym

    Shopping Guide:

    ● Rowing Machine (Entry-Level)
    ● Stationary Bike (Entry-Level)
    ● Dumbbells
    ● Resistance Bands
    ● Yoga Mat

      Home Workouts Under $1000

      A broader budget can allow you to invest in more workout equipment, but it can also help you to invest in higher-quality equipment. If you have a $1,000 budget for your very own gym home, you can start elevating your gym and doing a lot more with your space. 

      At this price point, you can comfortably start investing in mid-range folding machines. These incredible devices allow you to do more with your space by folding up and away when they are not in use. Not only does this help the space to look neat and tidy, but it can also allow you to do more exercises in the same shared space. 

      A mid-range home rowing machine or stationary bike for home cycling can empower you to enjoy a more seamless and beneficial workout. Pairing these machines with cardio workouts that incorporate resistance bands and yoga mats can make for a complete gym experience. Just remember to increase the quality of your mats and bands too!  

      A Guide to Creating a Home Gym - MERACH 950 Water Rower

      Shopping Guide:

      ● Folding Rowing Machine (Mid-Range)
      ● Automatic Resistance Bike (Mid-Range)
      ● Dumbbells (Variety Set)
      ● Yoga Mat (High-Quality)
      ● Resistance Bands (High-Quality)

        Home Workouts Under $2000

        This budget allows for greater flexibility than other budgets, and it means that you can truly create a home gym that works for you. In fact, $2000 is the average cost of a full home gym. You can enhance your gym’s support for cardio and resistance training by investing in high-quality items that support your daily movement regardless of what you are targeting. 

        To make the most of this budget, you will want to consider what areas you want to improve. Adding more mid-range machines, like a better bike for home cycling or a more advanced home rowing machine, can offer better flexibility and allow you to target different goals more effectively. However, you can also focus on creating a more complete resistance training system using updated tools and accessories. 

        A Guide to Creating a Home Gym - MERACH E12 Elliptical

        Adding new machines or a more diverse collection of weights to your home gym can help you to really optimize your workouts. With a great collection, you can rest easy knowing that you have the tools you need to be successful when you want to work out.  

        Shopping Guide:

        ● Rowing Machine (Mid-Range)
        ● Elliptical (Mid-Range)
        ● Stationary Bike (Mid-Range)
        ● Weight Plates (Variety Set)
        ● Dumbbells (Variety Set)
        ● Resistance Bands (High-Quality)
        ● Yoga Mat (High-Quality)


          No single approach to making a gym at home will fit all budgets perfectly, but you can continue to create your fitness heaven one investment at a time. If you’re looking for the perfect gym, home is where to start. When you take time to consider your fitness needs and goals, it is much easier to select suitable home gym equipment to match. 

          Always remember to consider your needs so your investments allow you to get the results you want to see!

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